Feature Walls: Do’s & Don’ts

Posted on: 2019-01-14


Feature walls, also known as accent walls, are a quick and easy way to add visual interest to a space. However, with an endless amount of options it can be difficult to know where to even start when it comes to creating an accent wall in your home. Read on to learn a few do’s and don’ts to make sure your next accent wall goes off without a hitch.

Don’t: Be afraid of colour

Painting one wall a slightly darker shade of beige than the rest of the room doesn’t count as an accent wall. Don’t be afraid of using a bold colour for your wall. As long as you have the right accents around the room, any colour can be coordinated. Keep in mind that bold doesn’t have to mean bright. If you’re not ready for a bright red or yellow wall, consider deeper, richer colours like navy or burgundy.

Do: Consider the rest of the room

While going bold is best, but your accent wall will flop if you don’t tie it in with the rest of the room. Accent walls look best when they adjoin walls that are a light to medium shade. The decor or furniture in your room is where you’ll want to pull in that accent colour to give the space a cohesive look.

Don’t: Assume the biggest wall in the room should be the feature wall

Any wall can be an accent wall, it doesn’t just have to be the largest one. When choosing which wall you want to feature, walk into your room and see what wall stands out to you. It could be due to the ways it’s shaped or positioned, but whatever is jumping out to you should be your accent wall. Choosing any other wall will compete against the architectural features of your home, and won’t have the same ‘pop’!

Do: Think outside the box

You’re not limited to just one colour of paint on your accent wall. Consider using paint in creative ways, such as adding stripes or dots. You can also purchase specialty paints that come with different finishes, such as glitter or metallic. Don’t feel like painting? Consider wallpaper, tiles or timber. The only rule about accent walls are that there are no rules.

Don’t: Put a feature wall in a small room

Putting a feature wall in a small room can make the room appear even smaller. Smaller spaces benefit from lighter neutral coloured walls to maximize light and open up the room. If you’re desperate for some colour in a small room, consider adding pops of colour through the cushions, art and other decor.

Do: Keep it unique

Your feature wall won’t be quite as special if it appears in every single room of your home. Not every room needs a feature wall. Keep your home interesting by playing around with other features like fun furniture, curtains or rugs.

Considering a home renovation and need some help? Contact Parabola Developments for a free on-site quote today.


Photo by Stefen Tan on Unsplash